Attention Business Owners: Take Some of the Work Off of Your Plate

It’s your business, your baby. You pour your heart and soul into making it the best it can be. You wear multiple hats, you work on the weekends, and at the end of the day, you’re probably not making the best use of your time.

We’re not saying you shouldn’t grind. That’s just part of the deal when you decide to own your own business. However, we are suggesting you focus your energy on working smarter, not harder.

Here are three tips to increase efficiency in your organization (without breaking your back):

Identify the experts in your organization

Trust me, they’re there. The employees that don’t stop at getting the job done, they stop when the job is done well (even when no one’s there to give them a “well done!”).  Often times, these employees are the ones that are constantly seeking out your feedback and opportunities for growth. Maybe they’ve been with your company for a while, or maybe they’re just natural top performers. Whatever the case may be, finding and acknowledging these individuals is the first step in getting the most out of your people (and taking some off the work off of your plate). However, sometimes it’s difficult to identify the true experts in your organization. This is why knowledge and skills assessments should be completed often and reviews should be given frequently.

Encourage coaching

After you’ve identified your top performers, you should then gauge whether or not the individuals are interested in becoming coaches or mentors. Not only do these relationships encourage the spread of best practices, they give newer or less experienced employees an additional resource for help. Communication is essential to understand whether or not these individuals are capable and interested in guiding and providing advice to another employee.

Keep knowledge and expertise within your organization

It’s happened to everyone. A star employee, maybe one that’s been with you since the beginning, decides to up and leave one day. Not only did they take all of their industry and company knowledge with them, you now have to find and train their replacement (and maybe you don’t even have all of the knowledge to properly train them)! It’s exhausting, and it slows productivity. This is why best practices, processes, and specific job role knowledge needs to be documented. This ensures that the vital company knowledge stays within an organization regardless of who leaves.

Let’s be honest, without a platform to properly support all of these practices, it’s tough to ensure they actually happen. Expectancy Learning was created to make communication, feedback, and learning easier and formalized. The platform also guarantees that knowledge stays within your organization and gives everyone access to it. Have any questions? Feel free to ask!

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